You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Safety themed activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are widely used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers and more!
All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share.
Understanding safety is crucial. We also recommend that parents stay informed on the latest statistics and recommendations. For example, recent research on fire preparedness sheds light on important trends—see the latest fire safety survey.
Select below to get started.
Safety Arts and Crafts
Flame Paints with Marbles
Materials: Yellow and red tempera paint in small cups or bowls; marbles; box lid and manila paper. Let children lay a piece of manila paper in the box lid. Spoon out one to three small blobs of pint on the paper and place one or more marbles in the lid. By tilting the lid slightly the marbles will roll around through the paint and make “flame” designs. Add more spoonfuls of paint if desired to increase the color blending.
Fire Engine
Precut circular and rectangular shapes from construction paper. Have the children glue the precut shapes on to a piece of construction paper to resemble a fire truck. They may add yarn or string for the fire hose and use straws to make a ladder.
Fire Painting
Using colors associated with fire (red, orange) squirt or draw thick lines on the paper and add a few drops of black paint here and there. Press clear plastic wrap onto the paper and squeegee the paint around. Pull plastic off of the paper using a strong vertical pulling action. (This will cause the paint to look like fire.) When paint is dry have the children glue a black cutout of a house (windows cut out) and/or a black cutout of a fire truck.
What I Want To Be
Materials: large white butcher paper, tracing crayon, crayons or paints, scissors Have each child lie on a large piece of butcher paper and outline the body. When complete, have the children “dress” themselves in appropriate attire for what they want to be when they grow up. A firefighter? They will need a red suit, heavy black boots, and a firefighter’s hat. Cut out the life-size pictures and mount them for display.
Fire Fighter Clothing
Make fire hats out of red construction paper. Make jackets out of paper bags.
Traffic Lights
Make stop and go lights out of shoeboxes. Tape the lid to the bottom of the box. Cover with black construction paper and have children place green, yellow and red circles in correct order on the box. Red circles on top, yellow middle, green on bottom.
Make officer’s badges out of paper, cover with tin foil.
First Aid Collage
Materials: First Aid Supplies. Create a collage of first aid supplies using bandages of assorted sizes, gauze, tongue depressors, swabs, and cotton balls.
First Aid Kit
Materials: white construction paper, red construction paper, glue, shoebox, rope and first aid items such as band-aids, cotton balls, etc. Cover the shoebox with white paper. Decorate with a red cross out of the red paper. Tape one side of the lid to the box so that it creates a hinge. Add a rope handle. Put cotton balls, band-aids, and whatever else you would find in a doctor bag that the kids could play with.
Safety Games and Activities
Safety Walk
Walk around the house/school with the kids and count how many safety items they can find. (first aid kit, fire extinguisher, etc.) On the reverse side, you could have the kids point out all the unsafe items (open cupboard doors where someone could bump their heads, toys on the floor where they could trip,etc.)
Dramatic Play
Have all the kids wear sweatshirts and place orange felt *flames* on them. Then they demonstrate how to Cover, Stop, Drop, and Roll on the carpet, to put the flames out. (I added *cover*, to teach them to cover their face with their hands while rolling.)(I don’t tell them they have to be on carpet. Heaven forbid they are on fire and running around trying to find carpet to roll on, but it does work better to get the felt off.)
Fire Fighter Equipment
If you know a fire fighter, you might let him/her know that you are very interested in fire safety. Let them know that you would be very interested in obtaining some old used equipment (a real hat, a nozzle and short portion of hose, a jacket, etc.) for your drama area.
Invite the children to set up a firehouse. Allow the riding toys to be the fire engines, ambulances and the fire chief’s car. Set up a sleeping area, boots with pants can be set up next to the bed. Give the children a bell to sound the alarm and let their imaginations run wild!
Fire Escape Practice Ideas
· Pin sheets up around the room, about 2 ft from the floor, and practice crawling, low, under the “smoke.”
· Turn out the lights to practice getting out in the dark.
Hot and Cold
I get tiny red and blue dot stickers from an office supply store and bring some things into the daycare for the kids to use with them. We put the red dots on hot things, and blue dots on cold things.
Red Light, Green Light
Have the children run around and someone yells out, “red light” and the children have to stop what they are doing until they hear “green light.”
911 For Toddlers
For those that don’t yet recognize their numbers, put a red dot sticker on the number nine and a green dot sticker on the number one. They will remember easier in case of emergency press “red, green, green”
911 Practice
Have a few phones in the class, and go over with the children what to say when the phone rings and the child answers. Teach them the proper and safe things to do, like: not giving their name, telling the person on the phone where they live, or if they are alone. You can even have each child come up to the phone , as you pretend to ring the phone & be the stranger. This is also a good time to go over dialing 911 in case of an emergency.
Safety Recipes and Snacks
Fire Trucks
We made graham cracker fire trucks for snack! Use 1 whole (double square) cracker for the body and 1/2 (1 square) for the cab. Use “ritz bitz” for the wheels, pretzel sticks for the ladders, licorice laces for the hoses, and a cherry for the red light. Use frosting for glue!
Stop Signs
8 sided crackers, peanut butter and jelly on the cracker
Yield Signs
Triangle crackers and yellow cheese
Fireman Shake
Firemen need to be very strong. Prepare a healthy milkshake for your little fire boys and girls.
1 cup strawberries 2 tsp. honey 4 large scoops vanilla ice cream 1 1/2 cups milk In a blender or food processor, puree berries with honey, add ice cream and milk. Pour into glasses and serve.
Energy Chews
Materials: measuring spoons, cup, raisins, peanut butter, honey, apple and oatmeal
Procedure: Give each child a cup and mix the following together: 1 Tbs. peanut butter, 1/2 tsp. honey, 1 Tbs. raisins, 1 tsp. chopped apple, 1 Tbs. raw oatmeal. Wash hands. Then each child stirs the mixture and rolls it into balls. The mixture may be chilled for a while or eaten immediately. Firefighters need to have high energy.
Safety Songs, Poems and Finger Plays
(sung to “Eensy Weensy Spider”)
The firefighter helps us learn our safety rules.
Playing with matches is only for fools.
If you see a fire, “help, you’ll scream and shout!” Dial 911.
The firefighter will put it out
Twinkle twinkle traffic light
(sung to “Twinkle Little Star”)
Twinkle twinkle traffic light
Standing on the corner bright
When its green its time to go
When its red its stop you know
Twinkle twinkle traffic light
Standing on the corner bright
Do you know the police officer
(sung to “Muffin Man”)
Oh do you know the police officer the police officer the police officer
Oh do you know the police officer who helps me cross the street
(fill in other verses here…….helps me when I am lost or who helps once cross the street etc)
Four Busy Firefighters
Four busy firefighters could not retire
Because they might have to put out a fire.
The first one rang a big brass bell.
The second one said, ‘It’s the Grand Hotel!’
The third one said, ‘Down the pole we’ll slide.’
The fourth one said, ‘Get ready to ride.’
The siren said, ‘Get out of the way!’
‘We have to put out a fire today!’
The red fire truck sped on to the fire,
As the big yellow flames grew higher and higher.
Swish went the water from the fire-hose spout
And in no time at all the fire was out.
I Am A Fireman
(sung to “I’m A Little Teapot”)
I am a fireman dressed in red.
With my fire hat on my head.
I can drive the firetruck, fight fire too,
And help make things safe for you.
Ten Little Firemen
Ten little firemen
Sleeping in a row
Ding-dong goes the bell
And down the pole they go
Off on the engine oh! oh! oh!
Using the big hose so, so, so
When the fire is out, home sooo slow
Back to bed all in a row.
Five Little Firefighters
Five little firefighters sit very still. ( Hold up five fingers )
Until they saw a fire on top of a hill.
Number one rings the bell, ding dong. (Bend down thumb)
Number two pulls his big boots on. ( bend down pointer finger )
Number three climbs on the truck right away. ( bend down middle finger.)
Number four joins him–no one can wait. ( bend down ring finger )
Number five drives the truck to the fire. ( bend down little finger )
The big yellow flames go higher and higher. ( spread arms )
WHOOO–OO! Whooo–oo! Hear the fire truck say ( Imitate siren )
As all the cars get out of the way.
Shhhh! goes the water from the fire hose spout. ( Rub palms together )
And quicker than a wink the fire is out ! ( Clap hands.)
The Firemen Song
(sung to “The Farmer In The Dell”)
The firemen are brave. The firemen are brave.
Heigh-ho what do you know, The firefighters are brave.
Stop, Look and Listen
Stop, Look and listen,
Before you cross the street.
First use your eyes and ears
Then use your feet!
Traffic Light
The red light means stop
The green light means go
The yellow light means caution
This you should know.
The Firefighter
This firefighter rings the bell. (thumb)
This firefighter hold the hose so well. (index)
This firefighter slides down the pole. (middle)
This firefighter chops a hole. (ring)
This firefighter climbs higher and higher. (pinky)
And all the firefighters put out the fire!
We are safe
(sung to “Mulberry Bush”)
This is the way that we are safe we are safe we are safe
This is the way that we are safe every day of the year
This is the way we cross the street look left then right left the right
This is the way we cross the street look left the right for safety t
This is the way we ride in the car sit up straight buckle your belt
This is the way we ride in the car buckle your belt for safety
Fire Safety
(sung to “Frere Jacques”)
Never, never, play with matches
If you do, if you do
You might burn your fingers,
you might burn your fingers
That won’t do, that won’t do.
Never, never, play with matches (or fire)
If you do, if you do,
You might burn your house down,
you might burn your house down,
That won’t do, that won’t do.
(you might burn the forest is another verse)
The Fireman
Clang, Clang goes the fire truck, when it is racing about.
The firemen will work very hard to put the fire out.
With their hoses and their ladders, they answer to fire call.
When the fireman fights the fires, They really help us all.
Fireman Number 8
Fireman, fireman number eight (2 circles on top of each other with hands)
Bumped his head upon the gate (touch head and slap hands palms together)
The gate swung in (swing prayer hands one way) The gate swung out (other way)
That’s the way they put the fire out (back and forth both ways)
Emergency, emergency 9-1-1 (marching, say this 3 times getting faster and faster)
Firefighter Finger Play
Five brave firefighters, Sleeping so, (hold up a hand with fingers flatacross palm)
The fire bell rings, Down the pole they go, (open the hand and make a downward motion)
Jump in the fire truck, Hurry down the street. Climb up the ladder, (make he fingers climb)
Feel the fire’s heat. (wipe sweat from your brow)
Five brave firefighters, (hold up five fingers)
Put the fire out. (make a wiping motion)
Hip! Hip! Hooray! All the people shout! (shout)
Firefighter Song
(sung to “I’m A Little Teapot”)
I’m a firefighter; my name is John.
I put my boots and helmet on
I hurry to the fire and give a shout.
With a burst of water, the fire is out
(sung to “Pop Goes The Weasel”)
Down the street the engine goes
The Firemen fight the fire
Up the ladder with their hose
Out goes the fire.
What Happens If There Is A Fire
(sung to “Bingo”)
What happens if there is a fire ?
Do you know what to do ? Oh !
GET OUT ! QUICK , GET OUT ! get out ! Quick ,get out ! get out ! QUICK, get out !
Stay very low and go. GO !
What happens if there is a fire ?
Do you know what to do ? Oh!
STAY OUT ! DON’T GO BACK ! stay out ! Don’t go back ! stay out ! Don’t go back !
Don’t go back in the house. No !
What happens if there is a fire?
Do you know what to do ? Oh !
GET HELP ! CALL FOR HELP ! get help ! call for help ! get help ! call for help !
call 911 for help ! oh!
Additional Safety Resources
ChildFun Lists
Recommended Books on Safety
(most under $5.00, click the titles for more info)
Nicky Visits the Fire Station
A Visit to the Sesame Street Firehouse
Child Safety Made Easy
Baby Proofing Basics
Parents Book of Child Safety
Stranger Danger – How to Keep Your Children Safe
Bicycle Safety
Aware and Alert (My Community the Police Officer)
Barney & B.J. : Go to the Fire Station (Barney Go to Series)
The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers (First Time Book)
Dinosaurs, Beware! : A Safety Guide
Food Safety (True Book)
I’m Safe in the Water (I’m Safe Series)
Impatient Pamela Says : Learn How to Call 9-1-1
Fire Safety
Here’s some info from the United State Fire Administration: Use the following fire safety and prevention information to lead discussions.
Control kids’ access to fire:
*Keep all matches and lighters out of the hands of children. If possible, keep these sources of fire in locked drawers. Consider buying only “child-proof” lighters — but be aware that no product is completely child-proof.
*Children as young as two years old can strike matches and start fires.
*Never leave children unattended near operating stoves or burning candles, even for a short time.
*Teach children not to pick up matches or lighters they may find. Instead, they should tell an adult immediately. Fire safety at home:
*Smoke detectors should be installed on every floor of the home, especially near sleeping areas.
*Smoke detectors should be kept clean of dust by regularly vacuuming over and around them.
*Replace batteries in smoke detectors at least once a year. And replace the entire unit after ten years of service, or as the manufacturer recommends.
*Families should plan and practice two escape routes from each room of their home.
*Regularly inspect the home for fire hazards. *If there are adults in the home who smoke, they should use heavy safety ashtrays — and discard ashes and butts in metal, sealed containers or the toilet.
*If there is a fireplace in the home, the entire opening should be covered by a heavy safety screen. The chimney should be professionally inspected and cleaned annually.
Warning Signs Kids may be experimenting with fire – if you notice:
*Evidence of fire play, such as burnt matches, clothes, paper, toys, etc., or if you smell smoke in hair or clothes.
*Inappropriate interest in firefighters and/or fire trucks, such as frequent, improper calls to the fire department or 9-1-1.
*Child asks or tries to light cigarettes or candles for you or other adults.
*Matches or lighters in their pockets or rooms.
Channel Curiosity Turn kids’ interest into safe outcomes:
*Talk to your child or students in a calm, assured manner about fire safety.
*Consider visiting a fire station if children are very interested in fire fighting and/or fire trucks (call for an appointment first). Have the firefighter talk about his/her job and the dangers of fire.
*For parents: Create opportunities for learning about fire safety at home. For example, when you cook, let your child get the pot holder for you; when you use the fireplace, let your child bring you the wood or tools; and if you use candles, let the child check to make sure the candle holder fits snugly.
What to do if you suspect your student/child is playing with fire:
*Talk to the child about his or her actions. Explain again that fire is a tool for use only by adults, and that it is very dangerous for children.
*Many schools and fire departments have programs for children who are inappropriately interested in fire or who have set fires.
*Many police stations have programs for children who show signs of becoming juvenile fire setters.
NOTE: Visit the United State Fire Administration site and look at the quizzes, parent/teacher guide, lists of available materials to download or order, links to other Fire Safety sites.
National Fire Prevention Week Ideas
· Arrange for a fire truck come to school with an ambulance.
· Read stories about fire trucks and fire drills.
· We are having a police officer come in to talk about stranger danger.
· We are going to learn how to use a seat beat correctly.
· We are going to play street sign bingo as the kids will be able to learn about the signs and “read” them)
Bike Safety
Bike Safety Checklist
· Take a bike safety course from your local school or community service group.
· Use appropriate sized bike since a bike that is too small or big can contribute to loss or control of bike.
· Always were safety equipment while riding such as: helmet, knee and elbow pads.
· Restrain any loose items such as purse on a bike rack or inside back pack worn on back to prevent items falling and catching in the spokes of a wheel causing bike to flip.
· Restrain loose pant bottoms with an elastic band or tucked inside sock to prevent getting caught in bike chain.
· Check bike before riding for possible maintenance requirements such as malfunctioning breaks, loose chain or flat tires.
· Use bike when traveling near traffic on bike paths or along side of the road going with the flow of traffic.
· Observe traffic sign and lights rules.
· Be alert to pedestrians. They always have the right of way
· Use hand signals to indicate when you plan on turning or stopping to alert vehicles coming behind you.
· Always watch where you are going and what is going on behind and around you.
Check out our Bike Helmet Safety page
Chemical Safety
Chemical Safety Checklist
There are many chemical dangers within the household and daycare setting. The following are ways to keep your families safety in mind.
· Store all cleaning products out of reach of children and animals
· Store all lawn and gardening pesticides and herbicides out of the reach of children/animals in a well ventilated area.
· Store all paint and paint cleaning solutions out of the reach of children and animals.
· Store antifreeze away from children and pets since it can taste like cool aide.
· Store all batteries out of the reach of children and pets.
· Store all windshield wiper fluid out of the reach of children and animals.
· When needing to discard a chemical or its container call the number provided on container to determine if there are special procedures to be followed. Keep this in mind for batteries as well as used oil.
· If a child ingests a chemical or gets it in their eye or experiences a chemical skin burn call the poison control center to determine what emergency procedures should be taken.
· In general a chemical splashed into the eyes can be rinsed out with cool water. But always call poison control before responding to ingestion of a chemical with drinking of water. This may cause a serious reaction with some chemicals. In all cases go to the emergency room for treatment.
· Post your local poison control center phone number near each phone in your home and dc.
· Alert all families involved of the chemical emergency when help has been contacted.
· Follow the instructions for each chemical that is used to help ensure safety including wearing protective gear such as: eye protection, gloves or both within a well ventilated area.
Stranger Danger
Stranger Danger Checklist
· A stranger is anyone you don’t know. You can’t tell the good guys from the bad guys by how they look. You are responsible for keeping yourself safe when you’re by yourself.
· You are responsible for taking care of yourself. You are not responsible for taking care of grownups. Adults who need help should go to another adult.
· Instinct is nature’s way of talking to you – listen to that inner voice.
· Have a “password” that is not shared with ANYONE outside your family. When someone, even somebody well known, asks or tells the child that they are to go with them because “Your Mom or Dad said…” ask for the password. DON’T GO unless they know the password.
The Learn Not to Burn Preschool Program National Fire Protection Association One Batterymarch Park Quincy, MA 92269-9101 1-800-344-3555 Teacher’s Guide and materials for 8 Key Firesafety Behaviors for Preschool Children (reproducibles included in teacher’s guide)
*Suggestion: check with your local fire department to see if they have any educational materials available for you to have or borrow. You might also check with your State Fire Marshall regarding materials.
Stranger Collage
Clip magazine pictures of a variety of people. Take photographs of students and staff members — to be photocopied or scanned into a computer and printed. Have children sort the pictures into two groups: “people we know” and “people we don’t know”. Write each of these headings on a separate piece of construction paper. Students glue pictures under appropriate headings.
All About Me cards
height, weight, color of hair, eyes, make fingerprint….write child’s signature….or they can if they know how (Do like on a post card or something like that)
Little Red Riding Hood
We use the story of Little Red Riding Hood to help teach stranger danger. We change the story because we have the children act it out. The wolf locks Grannie in the closet. Wolf chases Red around a table. Woodsman hears, enters and chases wolf away. Props: a red hooded cape for Red (made out of a red bathrobe), Grannie: nite-cap and shaw, wolf: wolf-hat (took a wolf bedroom slipper, cut and hot glued onto a baseball cap), woodsman: flannel shirt.

Dear Reader: You can help us make this theme even better!
All of our theme ideas have come from our imagination and from reader submissions. Please use this form to contact us if you have crafts, activities, games, recipes, songs or poems that you would like us to add to this theme.
One comment:
Great Ideas to share with my Cert 111 Early Childhood Students in relation to ” Participate in workplace Health & Safety”