You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Letter O activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are widely used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers etc. for learning and teaching while being fun for the kids!
All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share. Select below to get started.
Letter O Arts and Crafts
Make a wind sock octopus
Make some for the Christmas tree.
Oscar the grouch
Take a film canister, and add a green pompom. Give him some wiggly eyes and glue the film canister lid on top.
Make an owl puppet.
Take a small paper plate and fold in half. Add a cotton ball to the inside and draw eyes on top.
Printing O’s
Pour different colors of tempera paint into shallow containers. Set out white construction paper and objects with round open ends, such as cardboard toilet paper tubes, drinking straws, butter tubs of all sizes, and plastic bottles. Invite the children to print O’s of various colors and sizes by dipping the open ends of the objects into the paint and pressing them on their papers.
Fruity O Project
Trace a big O and a little O on a piece of paper and make copies for the whole class.Get Fruit Loops and let the children glue them inside the O’s. You usually wind up gluing some and eating some as you work. Staple the finished and dried Fruit Loop paper to a bigger piece of construction paper and let the children take them home.
Octopus In The Ocean
Give your child a butter tub to use as a body of an octopus. Have him/her cut out 8 legs and tape them to the lid then put the lid on the upside down tub. Use markers to add eyes, mouth and other features.
Other Fun With O
~Make collages with different colored and sized ovals
~Listen to recordings of opera or orchestra music
~Form O’s with your fingers, arms, mouth
~Paint an ocean mural and add octopus and oyster shapes
~Pretend to be an owl
~Bake pretend foods in an a toy oven
Orange Fish
Supplies needed:
oranges (cut in half crosswise, lengthwise, and wedges)
orange tempera paint
construction paper or poster board
Let cut oranges set overnight to dry (printing comes out more distinct).
Dip into orange paint and print away!!
Kids love all the different designs!!
Or, use a fish reproducible. (Sort of an outline type – no scale detail or anything.) Colored the fins and tail orange. Have a dampened sponge in a pie tin and put orange tempera paint on resulting in a stamp pad. Using their thumbs the children make orange thumb print stamps to be the fish’s scales.
“O” Collage
1 “O” cut out of orange construction paper per child
“O” reinforcements
Directions: Have the children stick reinforcements anywhere they wish onto their “O”
Owl Faces
1 9-inch paper plate per child, labeled
7-inch squares of yellow construction paper
cup cake holders
1 black triangle/1 black rectangle per child
Directions: Cut the 7-inch squares of yellow construction paper in half diagonally to make triangles. Have children color the paper plate brown. Help child glue yellow triangle on his/her plate as shown. Then have children glue on two cake holders for eyes. Have children glue black triangle in one eye, rectangle in other in bottom of cups.
Letter O Games and Activities
Let the kids play with green and black olives. Fit them on your fingers and eat them.
Obstacle Course
Set up a simple obstacle course in your room. For example, include cardboard cartons to crawl through, small pillows to jump over, a long board to walk across, and a padded footstool to climb over. Let the children take turns going through the obstacle course throughout O week. On the final day, make ribbons from construction paper and print O’s on them. Present one ribbon to each child as he/she completes the obstacle course.
O is for Office
Create a pretend office in a corner of your room, using small tables for desks. Set out such things as small pads of paper, play telephones, junk mail, pencils, paper clips, rubber stamps and ink pads. Let the children have fun playing in your office during your O unit.
Show and Tell Guessing Game
(can be played with any letter sound)
Each child must find an object at home that begins with the Oo sound. He/She conceals the item in a bag. When it is his/her turn the child gives us 3 clues so a picture pops in our head of what it might be.
The child can pick 3 children (or however many you wish) to guess the hidden object. For instance, if the child conceals “oatmeal” in a bag, the 3 clues might be: 1. It is light brown. 2. You eat it hot for breakfast. 3. You can bake cookies with it. Keeping in mind the sound of O, the children try to guess that the hidden object is oatmeal.
Whooo Is It? Game
For this listening game, choose one child to be the Parent Owl and have the child leave the room. Choose 2 or 3 other children to be owlets, or baby owls. Have all the children cover their mouths with their hands, and ask only the Owlets to begin saying, “Whooo, whoooo.” Then have the Parent Owl return to the room, listen carefully to the “whoooo-ing” and try to find his or her babies. Continue the game, each time choosing different children to be the Parent Owl and the Owlets.
Octopus Stories
Have your child draw pictures of an octopus having an adventure in the ocean. Have him/her tell you a story to go with the pictures and you write the words down for him/her. Then have your child find all the O’s in his/her story and trace them with an orange crayon.
Outdoors: Activities
Construct a mountain range or some trees (bring some pine cones and leaves), to go backpacking, look for bears and deer, bring your binoculars. Have a campfire, use a sleeping bag for nap time (around your campfire), lantern, flashlights, tent(s), don’t forget cooking items. Barbecues, ice chest, picnic basket, picnic table canoeing (box: refrigerator is the best) or rowboat. Make paddles (from empty gift wrap rolls) Fishing, (pretend/made) poles, hooks, fish
Make a list of opposites then each child can pick two to illustrate and make into Our Book of Opposites
Orange Day
Everyone bring in something Orange from home. Have students fill in…I have an orange _____. then illustrate.
Letter O Recipes and Snacks
Make oatmeal cookies.
Make orange sweet rolls and eat
Make edible O’s using cookie dough
Taste different olives then graph which kind do you like better
Letter O Songs, Poems and Finger Plays
Let’s Sing For Letter O
(Tune: Skip To My Lou)
Let’s sing now for the letter O
Let’s sing some O words that we know.
Olive, owl, and octopus, too.
Oh, letter Oo we do like you!
Ten Little O’s
(Tune: Ten Little Indians)
One little, two little, three little O’s.
Four little, five little, six little O’s.
Seven little, eight little, nine little O’s
Ten little O’s in the ocean.
O-O-O say the O’s (short O sound)
O-O-O say the O’s
O-O-O say the O’s
Ten little O’s in the ocean.
The O’s go see an octopus.
The O’s go see an octopus.
The O’s go see an octopus.
Ten little O’s in the ocean.
The O’s go see the wise old owl.
The O’s go see the wise old owl.
The O’s go see the wise old owl.
Ten little O’s in the ocean.
(The children can help add other verses of O things.)
One little, two little, three little O’s.
Four little, five little, six little O’s.
Seven little, eight little, nine little O’s
Ten little O’s in the ocean.
I Am Learning Oo
(Tune: The Farmer In The Dell)
I am learning Oo.
I am learning Oo.
Hi ho the derry O.
I am learning Oo.
Other verses to add:
Oval begins with Oo… (make an oval with your hands)
Overalls start with Oo… (point to someone wearing them?)
Over begins with Oo…
Oh my! begins with Oo… (hand on side of face)
Ocean begins with Oo… (wavy hand motion)
Ostrich begins with Oo…
October begins with Oo… (point to calendar)
Octopus starts with Oo…
The children can help add other verses of O things and can help decide on the actions for the song.)
Three O’s Finger play
Here’s an O
(thumb & index finger)
And here’s an O
(2 hands forms an O)
And a great big O you see.
(arms make an O)
Are you ready?
Can you count them?
1, 2, 3!
Optometrist Song
(Tune: Down By The Station)
Down at my office,
When you come to visit,
I have a big machine
To look into your eyes.
I can help you see more
If you’re having trouble.
Click, click, click, click,
Look inside.
Squeeze The Oranges
(Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Squeeze, squeeze
Squeeze the oranges,
Squeeze them all this way,
So we can have some orange juice
To start our sunny day.
Wise Old Bird
A wise old owl sat in an oak.
The more he heard, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Why aren’t we all like that wise old bird?
Wise Old Owl
(Tune: Frere Jacques)
Wise old owl, wise old owl,
In the tree, in the tree.
Who-oo are you winking at?
Who-oo are you winking at?
Is it me? Is it me?
I Like Omelettes
(Tune: Skip To My Lou)
I like omelettes, yes I do,
I like omelettes, yes I do,
I like omelettes, yes I do,
And my tummy loves them too! (rub tummy)
Replace “omelettes” with other food that begins with Oo and sing again.
October Days Poem
October days are here you see
Skies of blue for you and me
Leaves are falling to the ground
This one’s yellow, that one’s brown
Apples swinging in the tree
Pick a red one just for me
Pumpkins growing on the vine
Pick the big one…it’s mine!

Dear Reader: You can help us make this theme even better!
All of our theme ideas have come from our imagination and from reader submissions. Please use this form to contact us if you have crafts, activities, games, recipes, songs or poems that you would like us to add to this theme.