Dressing up for Halloween is so much fun! Enjoy it even more knowing that you and your little goblins prepared their faces for the frightful night. Face paint is inexpensive when you make it yourself, and it’s safer than a mask that can obscure vision. Try these ghoulish recipes yourself!
Homemade Face Make Up
1 tsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp water
1/2 tsp cold cream
Food coloring
Stir together starch and cold cream until well blended. Add water and stir, then add food coloring.
Wash your face and any area that you will be applying the makeup to. Dry thoroughly. Use fingertips to spread onto large areas. Use a small paint brush to paint designs on face. Removes with soap and water. Store in airtight container.
Homemade Bruises
You will need:
Deep blue powder eyeshadow
Charcoal or smoke gray powder eyeshadow
Shimmery green powder eyeshadow
Make up brush
Using a blot of deep blue powder eye shadow, apply with a wet make up brush. Use your fingertips to add blots of charcoal gray and blue shadows. Touch up the edges with a shimmery olive green. Smudge the bruise to complete.
Homemade Blood
You will need:
1/2 bottle of light corn syrup
Very hot water
Squirt of liquid soap
Red food coloring
Blue or green food coloring (optional)
Pour light corn syrup into a bowl and add hot water sparingly, adding and stirring until you have the right consistency. Add a squirt of liquid soap to make it the blood easy to clean off later. Tint with red food coloring. You may add a drop of blue or green if you like to make the blood a darker color. Store in the refrigerator until ready to use. Smear on as needed!
About the Author
Amanda Formaro is the entrepreneurial mother of four children. She and her husband live in southeastern Wisconsin. She is also the owner of FamilyCorner.com Magazine at http://familycorner.com